Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

A scholarship scheme for exchange and cooperation
between Europe and North Africa

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This section contains the results of all completed calls for applications that the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi I & II projects have launched so far.

The lists include only applications that were closed by the candidates. To check your result, click on the link corresponding to the call you have applied to.

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi I


The evaluation of the applications will be done by the home and host universities based on the grading scheme agreed by the Partnership (see below). The score obtained will be the basis for the allocation of the scholarships. For candidates not registered or enrolled at a partner or an associate university, the evaluation will be done by the university that represents the respective country at the Advisory and Selection Committee (ASC).

Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II considers several thematic areas as priority fields. Applications corresponding to one of these disciplines will automatically obtain 5 extra points during the evaluation process. To learn more about priority fields and the disciplines offered by the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II partnership, please click here.

Since associate universities have a status that is very similar to the role of full partner universities, applicants enrolled or registered there will have preference for Target Group 2 and Target Group 3 scholarships. In order to account for the preference, 5 extra points will be added to the score obtained during the evaluation process.

Applicants who include a support letter from a contact person of an International Cooperation Cells will receive 10 extra points.

Approximately one half of the scholarships will be awarded based on the total score obtained. The other half of scholarships will be distributed taking into account cross-cutting requirements such as a balanced distribution of grantees among the partner universities, gender-balance and real participation of disadvantaged persons.

Grading scheme
 Home UniversityHost University
Strategic importance of the discipline 3 3
Academic merit (GPA, motivation, ...) 4 5
Disadvantaged Groups 1 -
Subtotal 8 8
Final Grade   16


 Home UniversityHost University
Academic merit (CV, GPA, motivation statement, research plan, ...) 20 25
Letter of support 5 5
Institutional commitment in (re)incorporating the candidate 2 -
Disadvantaged groups 3 -
Subtotal 30 30
Final grade   60


Post-doctorate, Academic and Administrative Staff
 Home UniversityHost University
Academic merit [Post-Doc, Academic Staff] /
Administrative merit [Administrative Staff]
(CV, motivation, research plan, ...)
- 15
Strategic and academic interest 10 3
Letter of support 5 2
Institutional commitment in (re)incorporating the candidate 5 -
Subtotal 20 20
Final grade   40


The following sections provide detailed information on the application process for an Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II scholarship: application procedure, access to the online application form, selection criteria, and a list of the documents that need to be uploaded to the online application platform.

  • General information
    Here you can find some general notes about the call and the application process that you should keep in mind when applying for an Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II scholarship.
  • Application and selection procedure
    In this section you will learn more about the application process: from the moment when you apply online to the moment when all mobility flows start.
  • Selection criteria
    Here you can learn more about the different criteria that will be taken into consideration when evaluating the applications.
  • Documents to be uploaded
    Here you can find out about the documents that you will have to upload according to the level of mobility you would like to apply for.
  • Academic offer of the partnership
    Here you can find all fields of study offered by the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II consortium universities.
  • Application form
    This section leads you directly to the online application form.
  • Selection result
    The results of the selection process will be published here.
  • Before starting the application process, please make sure that you fulfil all requirements and you understand how the Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II scholarship scheme works (nationality requirements, levels and types of mobility, target groups, fields of study, etc). You can find this information under the heading Scholarships.
  • The application will have to be submitted online and no paper versions will be accepted. In order to complete your application, you must upload all required documents. Therefore, make sure to have all necessary documents translated (when requested), scanned and in pdf format.

Al Idrisi Scholarships


Erasmus Mundus - Al Idrisi II is a project for exchange and cooperation between Europe and North Africa that provided scholarships for undergraduate and master students, doctoral candidates, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff. The third and last call for applications closed in January 2016. Further calls are not expected. We invite you to stay informed and subscribe to our News Alert!


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